Comprehensive Collection of 1,007
for Use with the Internet, IRC, Chat & Email

Compiled, Edited & HTMLized By Jim Shook || 11/22/2001 ||


| ! | # | $ | % | & | ' | ( | ) | * | + | , | - | . | / | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 |

| : | :- | :-B | :. | ; | < | = | > | @ | B | [ | \ | ] | ^ | { | | | } | ~ |

^ TOP ^ The invisible man smiley (2) !-( ?-( ?( Has a black eye (7) !:-) Imaginative (2)
^ TOP ^ #-) User partied all night, tied one on, hungover & exhausted (8) #-) Lt. Laforge (Star Trek) #-| #-( Dead #:-) Has matted hair (3) #:-0 Ahh! (2) #:-O Shocked
^ TOP ^ $) I love money $-) Yuppie just won a large sum of money $-) Thinking about money $0.02 Throwing in your two cents worth $:-) Has a comb stuck in their hair (2)
^ TOP ^ %') Polished off a fifth for lunch %(|:-) Propellerhead %*@:-) Hungover %*} Drunk, very drunk (3) %+{ Beatup, loser of a fight (3) %+| Has lost a fight (2) %-( Angry & frowning or confused (2) %-(|) Laughing out loud (2) %-(|) :-D Is laughing out loud %-) User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight (6) %-) User is cross-eyed (6) %-) Confused or dizzy (4) %-) Message about people with broken glasses %-) Silly %-6 User is braindead (8) %-<I> Drunk with laughter (2) %-<|> %-) Drunk with laughter %-\ %-/ Has a hangover (5) %-^ User is Picasso (4) %-{ :/) Not amused %-| Worked all night or worked late (4) %-} Amused (3) %-} Ironic %\v Picasso
^ TOP ^ &&&& Pretzels &-| &-( Tearful (3) &.(.. Is crying (2) &8-] Overly handsome self-portrait of the uploader w/square jaw (new) &8-| *8-| Is a nerd &:-) Has curly hair / forgot to brush their hair (3) &:-] Overly handsome self-portrait of the uploader w/square jaw (old) &;-p A suave guy on the make, who keeps advertising...just in case &B-]}<////> Another corporate-type with aviator glasses, wavy hair & tie
^ TOP ^ '-) User only has a left eye, which is closed (3) '-) Wink, winking; just kidding (4) ':) raising one eyebrow ':-) ,:-) Shaved off one eyebrow this morning
^ TOP ^ ( '}{' )) Boy and girl kissing ( 8(|) Homer Simpson ( :+( Scared (2) ( <> .. <> ) Alienated (%> Pizza (( )):** Hugs and kisses (3) ((((name)))) Hug, hugs, cyber hug (3) ())=) Is drinking wine ()-8 Is yawning at the thought of tired emoticons (-) User needing a haircut or shaggy headed (7) (-) :-))) Is laughing (2) (-: User is left handed (12) (-: Smile (-:|:-) Siamese twins (-_-) Secret smile (.)(.) Ms. DOS (8-o It's Mr. Bill! (4) (8-} Percy dovetonsils (8v) Pacman (:( Very sad (:)-) User is or likes to scuba dive (4) (:+) Has a big nose (:- Unsmiley (:-$ User is ill (3) (:-& :-@ User is angry (4) (:-( :-c Unsmiley frowning, very unhappy, very sad (9) (:-) Smiley big-face (5) (:-) Is Bald (3) (:-) Captain Picard (:-) Bicycle helmets, soldier, anyone with a helmet (2) (:-) C:-| Is bald (:-* Kiss (:-... Heart-breaking message... (:-< (:-( Frowning (:-D Has a big mouth (:-D Is blabbering (:-\ :-< Very sad (2) (:-{~ Has a beard (2) (:-| (:I Is an egghead (2) (:-|k- Formal message (::()::) Bandaid; offering help or support or comfort (3) (:::[]:::) Band aid (:<) Bblabber mouth (:>-< Message from a thief: hands up! (:I User is an egghead (9) (:^( Broken nose (:{>X Bald with a handlbar mustache and a bow tie (:| Egghead (><) Anally retentive (@ @) You're kidding! (_) Mug (coffee, beer) (_)? [_]? Coffee or tea (_8(|) Homer simpson (o--< A fishy message... (|:-# American football player
^ TOP ^ ) Q:-) Graduate (high-school, college( )-:|<* Sanity clause )8-) Scuba Smiley big-face (3) ):-( UnSmiley big-face (2) ):-) Impish ):-) :-) :-) Loud guffaw
^ TOP ^ * Kiss * :-o Alarmed! (3) **** Popcorn ******:-) Marge simpson **:-) Counsellor Troi *-( Cyclops got poked in the eye (2) *-) Stoned (3) *-) Shot dead (3) *8((: strange (2) *:* Is fuzzy (2) *:** Is fuzzy with a fuzzy moustache (3) *:o) And Bozo the Clown! (6) *:o) User is a Bozo or a clown (2) *:o) Clown, clowning around *;-~i Lady replying to guy by closing eyes & puffing nonchalantly on cigarette *<):-) Clown *<:-) Santa Claus (2) *<:-) User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat (4) *<:o ) A clown *<|:-) User is Santa Claus (Ho Ho Ho) (4) *<|:-) Clown *X-| A dead nerd (2) *eg* Evil grin *g* Giggle or grin (2) *gbh&k* Great big hug & kiss *gbh* Great big hug *gr&d* Grinning, running & ducking *h* Hug (2) *hb* Hug back *k* Kiss (2) *kb* Kiss back *l* Laugh *li* Laughing inside *lis* Laughing in silence *lol* Laugh out loud *poof* Has left the chat room (2) *rofl* Roll on floor laughing *s* Smile (3) *sb* Smiles back *tic* Tongue in cheek *veg* Very evil grin *ves* Very evil smile *vwg* Very wicked grin *vws* Very wicked smile *w* Wink (2) *wg* Wicked grin *|-0 Still working at 5 a.m.
^ TOP ^ +<||-) Knight +-( Shot between the eyes +-(:-) User is the pope (3) +-:-) Priest, Pope or other Clergy (4) +:-) Smiley priest (5) +:-: Priest +<:-) Religious leader or person +<:-| Monk or Nun (3) +O:-) Pope
^ TOP ^ ,-) One eye and is winking (5) ,-O :-() Yawning ,-} Wry and winking (3) ,:) ,:-) Raising other eyebrow (5)
^ TOP ^ -( Sad smile (2) -( E-( Eyes gouged out (2) -) Boring, I'm sleeping -) Tongue in cheek -- When it's the occasion to bow -: Is upside down with a brick in their mouth -:-( real punk rockers don't smile (3) -:-) User is a punk rocker (3) -:-) User sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T (3) -:-) =:-) Has a Mohican -= A snuffed candle to end a flame (2) -=#:-) Wizard -=* :-) User is a TeX wizard (2) -=-) Has made an evolution in time... -]:-)[- Impressed
^ TOP ^ .-) .-] User has one eye or is keeping an eye out (13) ...---... S.O.S. .:-> Has a crew cut ._) Is suffering from Lorentz contractions ._/ Has been squashed
^ TOP ^ /;-) Has one big thick cock-eyed eyebrow /\(oo)/\ Spider /\/\/\ Laughter
^ TOP ^ 0-) Smiley cyclops or scuba diver (2) 0-) User wearing scuba mask (2) 0:-) Angel (2)
^ TOP ^ 10-4 Affirmative 100 Nature calls/pit stop (2) 12345 Talk about school 12x@>--->--- Dozen roses
^ TOP ^ 20 Location? (2) 24/7 24 hours a day/7 days a week 2B|^2B To be or not to be 2b|^2b Shakespeare 2l8 Too late
^ TOP ^ 3-I Asleep and having nightmares 3-O Snoring 3:-) Cow (2) 3:[ Mean Pet smiley (4) 3:] Pet smiley (4) 3:o[ Net.pets (2)
^ TOP ^ 404 I have no clue (2)
^ TOP ^ 5:-) Elvis Presley (4)
^ TOP ^ 73 Best regards (2) 7:) Reagan 7:^) Ronald Reagan 7:^] Ronald Reagan (2)
^ TOP ^ 8 Infinity (5) 8 :-) User is a wizard (4) 8 :-I Net.unix-wizards (3) 8(:-) Zippy 8) Wide-eyed, wears glasses 8*) Smile with glasses and moustache 8-# Dead or death (4) 8-) Smiley swimmer (2) 8-) Smiling or happy & wears or is wearing glasses or sunglasses (13) 8-) Is a nerd (2) 8-) Wide-eyed, wears glasses (2) 8-> Just happy (2) 8-I 8-| In suspense 8-O Omigod!! (2) 8-O Astonished 8-[ Anxious 8-] Wow or "wow, maaan" (5) 8-] Love struck 8-o Shocked. Oh my God! (2) 8-p Yuck! 8-| Eyes wide with surprise (4) 8-| Suspense, what next? (3) 88 Love and kisses (2) 8:-) Glasses on forehead (4) 8:-) Little girl (6) 8:] Gorilla, smiling (5) 8^( %-{ Sad (2) 8^[ Stuck up and fed up 8^| Grim 8~) Smiley with sunglasses
^ TOP ^ : ( Sad, frown (2) : ) Smiley face (2) : * Kiss : - | Blank stare : [ Very sad : | Bored :") An honest smile :%)% User has acne (5) :<) Has a moustache :<) User is from an ivy league school :' Crying (2) :''') Weeping floods of tears :'''-) :'''-( Is shedding floods of tears :'( Crying (3) :'-( Crying, really sadl, shedding tears (10) :'-( :,-( Crying (2) :'-) Crying with joy & happiness (7) :'-> Happy and crying :'-D :,-D Is laughing so much that they're crying (2) :( Frown, frowning, sad (11) :( ) Loudmouth or can't stop talking (3) :) Midget smiley (4) :) Smiley face, happy, good mood (8) :* Kiss(es) (7) :*) Drunk/clown :*) User is drunk (7) :*) Clowning around (5) :*) Ed Mcmahon :*) Has a cold (3) :*) Smile with moustache :*) #-) Drunk :**: Kiss returned :*D Is drunk and laughing in church for no reason :*} :-} Tipsy (2) :+( Punched in the nose :+) Has just had their broken nose set (2) :,( Crying (6) :,-) :'-) So happy that they're crying (2)
^ TOP ^ :- User is male (4) :- Blank, confused :- I Hmmm... :- ] :-C So shocked that their jaw has hit the ground :-! A smoker :-! Foot in mouth (2) :-! Smiley bland face :-! Used unrepeatable language :-" Is whistling / pursing lips :-" Pursing lips (4) :-# Been smacked in the mouth :-# Kiss :-# Moustache (3) :-# Censored :-# Oops, I just spilled the beans (2) :-# User wears braces (6) :-# User's lips are sealed (12) :-# :-X Lips are sealed :-#) Has a bushy moustache (6) :-$ Mouth wired shut (4) :-$ Put your money where your mouth is (2) :-% User has beard (5) :-% User is a banker (3) :-& User is tongue tied (18) :-& Eating spaghetti :-' Spitting out chewing tobacco :-') Got a cold :-') Is chewing tobacco :-'| User has a cold (2) :-( Boo hoo, sad (9) :-( Drama (2) :-( Frowning, sad, upset, unhappy, displeased or depressed (15) :-( Grumpy, sad or unhappy; didn't like last message :-( ) You backed your car over my toe :-( ) Is SHOUTING VERY LOUD :-( ) You stepped on my toe :-( | Has been beheaded (2) :-(#) Wearing teeth braces :-(( Very sad :-() I stubbed my toe :-(*) Feeling sick, about to vomit, is vomiting (4) :-(0) :-(O Is yelling :-(=) Has big teeth (3) :-(O Has been hanged (2) :-) Big mouth :-) Comedy, humor (or smiley) (4) :-) Basic, classic smiley (or smilie). Inflect a sarcastic or joking statement (5) :-) Angelic :-) Grin, ha ha, happy, smile, smiling smiley -- THE Original Smiley! (17) :-) Said with a cynical smile :-) Smiling; agreeing :-) Wears lipstick :-) )-: Masking theatrical comments :-) , Has an outie belly button :-) . Has an innie belly button :-) : ) Smile, pleasure :-) :) Smile :-) :^) Happy :-)# :<= Bearded (3) :-)## Long beard (2) :-)' Drooling, tends to drool (3) :-)' :-), Is drooling / dribbling :-)) Very happy (3) :-)) Double chin (2) :-))) Is very fat, overweight, extremely overweight (5) :-))) Reeeel happy, big smile :-)))))))) Ecstatic! :-))-: Confused :-)-8 User is a Big girl (4) :-)-{8 User is a big girl (3) :-).... Drool :-)8 User is well dressed (2) :-)8 Bowtie, snazzy dresser, well dressed (3) :-):-):-) Guffawing loudly (2) :-)= :-{> Has a goatee (2) :-)> Bearded :-)X Wears a bow tie (3) :-)x(-: Kiss :-)| :-)I Is out on the town :-)} :-} Bearded (3) :-)~ :-B Drools, drooling or dribbling (4) :-)~~~ More drooling :-* Ate something bitter or sour like a pickle (17) :-* Oops! (4) :-* Kiss or blowing a kiss (2) :-* Pickle face; sending or blowing a kiss; oops :-* :-# Blowing a kiss :-, Hmmmm (3) :-, Smirk(s) (5) :-, ;^) Is smirking (2) :--) :c Has a very large nose (2) :-.) Madonna (2) :-... Heart-broken :-/ Lefty undecided smiley (2) :-/ Chagrined, disappointed (2) :-/ Dr. Mccoy :-/ :-\ Perplexed or skeptical, undecided (13) :-/ Wry face :-0 Silent, no Yelling! (Quiet Lab) (5) :-0 User is an orator (4) :-1 Smiley bland face (2) :-1 Smirks :-1 :-! Bland :-3 Has eaten a lemon :-6 Ate something sour like a lemon (7) :-6 Exhausted, wiped out (3) :-7 :-} Wry smile (2) :-7 Smokes a pipe :-7 Tongue-in-cheek :-7 User just made a wry statement (9) :-8 Talking out both sides of your mouth (2) :-8( Condescending stare (4) :-9 User is licking his/her lips (8) :-9 Delicious, yummy :-9 Licking lips in anticipation :-9 :-? Is licking lips :-: Mutant smiley (5) :-: Mutant smiley; the invisible smiley (3) :-< Real sad Smiley (7) :-< Vampire (2) :-< Forlorn (3) :-< Weepy, frowning, very sad :-=) Older smiley with mustache (5) :-> Hey hey (7) :-> YAS (yet another smiley) :-> User just made a really biting sarcastic remark (7) :-> Alternate happy face :-> Devil grin (sarcasm) devilish (2) :-> Smug, snobbish :-> :-] Sarcastic (2) :->< Puckered up to kiss :-? :-7 User is smoking a pipe (11) :-? Licking lips (2) :-? Tongue in cheek :-@ Screaming/swearing/very angry/about to be sick :-@ User is screaming (13) :-@ User's beard has permanent wave or was drawn by Picasso (2) :-@ Angry :-@ I swear :-@ ;-(*) Not feeling too great, under the weather, about to be sick (2)
^ TOP ^ :-B Drooling :-B Has just bitten their lip (2) :-B Is a buttmouth :-C Jaw hits floor, astonished (2) :-C :-c User is really bummed (5) :-C Totally unbelieving (3) :-D (-D Laughing out loud, very funny (10) :-D Said with a smile (3) :-D User is laughing (at you!) (4) :-D User talks too much, flapjaw; overjoyed or ecstatic; big smile (3) :-D* Laughing so hard they don't realise that a spider is hanging from their lip :-E Bucktoothed vampire (4) :-E] Needs to go to the dentist :-F Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing (4) :-F] Just came back from the dentist :-G- :-! Is smoking :-H Missing teeth (2) :-I Hmm, indifferent, perplexed (11) :-I Pondering, wondering :-I :-/ Puzzled, perplexed :-I :-| Indifferent, apathetic (4) :-II :-|| Angry :-J Tongue in cheek (3) :-J One sided or left sided smile (3) :-O Uh oh (4) :-O Mick Jagger (2) :-O Shocked, surprised (2) :-O Oops :-O= Is showing their tongue to the doctor :-P Nyah nyah (3) :-P Sticking out tongue :-P Tongue hanging out in anticipation (4) :-P :-b Is sticking out their tongue :-Q Smoker, smoking, nicotine fiend (8) :-Q Is having their temperature taken :-Q Tongue hanging out in disgust, or a smoker :-Q :-i Is smoking :-Q~ Smoking :-R Has the flu (2) :-S User is incoherent or made an incoherent statement (6) :-T Keeping a straight face, tight-lipped, zipped lips (7) :-V :-() Shout, shouting (6) :-W :-H Speaking with a forked tongue (2) :-X Kiss or big wet kiss! (5) :-X User is wearing a bow tie (3) :-X Sworn to secrecy, lips are sealed or zipped (6) :-X :-@ Is swearing :-X} Blowing a kiss :-Y A quiet aside (2) :-Y A side comment :-Y Is talking after the no yelling smiley :-[ Un-smiley, unhappy blockhead (5) :-[ User is a Vampire (7) :-[ Critical (2) :-[ Pouting (4) :-\ Popeye smiling face, for people who look like popeye (3) :-\ Undecided user (7) :-\'| Sniffles :-] Smiley blockhead (7) :-] Unimpressed :-] Obnoxious :-] Sarcasm, sarcastic (2) :-` User spitting out its chewing tobacco (6) :-` Hint of a smile :-a Lefty smilely touching tongue to nose :-a :-q Is touching tongue to nose :-b Left-pointing tongue smiley :-b Drooling, overbite (2) :-c Bummed out smiley, real unhappy (16) :-c Just totally unbelieving, jaw dropped (2) :-d Lefty smiley razzing you :-d Big mouth or smile (2) :-d~ Smoker or heavy smoker (3) :-e Disappointed (7) :-f Bleahhh, sticking tongue out (2) :-i Semi-smiley (4) :-i Smoking with ash ready to fall :-i :-k Vague or unknown emotion, funny feeling... (2) :-i Wry smile :-j Smoking and smiling :-k Puzzlement :-l YAS, yet another smilie :-l Smile, one sided :-m Speak no evil :-o User singing national anthem (5) :-o Oh!, uh oh! (7) :-o :-() Mouth open, shocked, amazed, awed, impressed, surprised (11) :-o Oh, no! (a la mr. bill) (2) :-o Oops, shout, wow!, yell (7) :-o Yawn, yawning or bored (2) :-ozzzZZ Bored :-p User is sticking their tongue out (at you!) (4) :-p Is talking too much :-p Nyah nyah, nyahhhh! (2) :-p Said with a smile :-p :-d Sticking its tongue out (7) :-p Tongue hanging out in anticipation :-p~ Smoker :-p~~ Drooling :-p~~ That worldwide raspberry sound! :-q Trying to touch tongue to nose :-q User is a smoker (2) :-r Sticking tongue out, bleahhh (8) :-r :-P*** Is blowing a raspberry :-s User has said or geard a BIZARRE comment (6) :-s User just made an incoherent statement (2) :-s What?! :-t :-z User is cross or cranky (5) :-t Keeping a straight face, tight-lipped (2) :-v :-() Speaking or talking (8) :-w Speak(s), speaking with forked tongue (7) :-x :-X Kiss kiss, a big wet kiss!, big kiss, kiss kiss (8) :-x User's lips are sealed (3) :-x :-X Sworn to secrecy, has a taped-up mouth :-x |-<> Blowing a kiss :-x} (:-* Is kissing :-y Said with a smile (3) :-y A quiet aside :-z YACS, yet another crazy smiley :-z Cross :-z Sleeping :-{ Mustache, mustachioed (5) :-{ Smiley variation on a theme (2) :-{ Count dracula :-{ Is tipsy on rough wine (2) :-{#} Teasing people about their braces :-{) Has a moustache (9) :-{) :-3 Has a handlebar mustache :-{)} Commander Riker (Star Trek) :-{)} Moustache and beard :-{} User wears or is wearing lipstick (5) :-{} Blowing a kiss, puckered up (4) :-| "Have an ordinary day" smiley (4) :-| Expressionless, blank, indifferent, apathetic, bored (6) :-| Disgusted, Grim face (7) :-| Monkey :-| Wayne Newton :-| Ambivalent :-| Playing an harmonica :-| Speechless :-| :-| Deja vu :-|) :-{ Has a moustache (2) :-|8( )- Is pregnant (2) :-|] Has no need to go to the dentist :-|| Anger, angry (7) :-} Beard :-} Ditto (2) :-} Thish wine tashted pretty good (2) :-} User wears, or is wearing lipstick (2) :-} Crooked smile :-} Has an RAF moustache :-} Smile, mischievous :-} ;-} Is leering (3) :-}) Has an RAF moustache :-~) User has a cold (3) :-~| :-'| Has a cold or flu (3)
^ TOP ^ :. What? :.( Crying :.-) :,-D Laughing so much that they're crying :/) Funny - not (2) :/7) Cyrano de Bergerac (2) :/\) Has an extremely big nose (2) :/i No smoking (2) :7) Big nose ::-) User wears normal glasses, middle-aged four eyes (8) ::-)) Two faced :::) Is smiling despite being riddled with bullets ::poof:: Goodbye (leaving the room) :< Midget unsmiley (2) :< What? (3) :< What pretences! :< (:-D Is a blabbermouth :< :-*| Has a moustache :<) :<| Ivy leaguer, attends or is from an Ivy League School (5) :<) Hairy lips :<)= Beard := | Baboon (2) :=) Two noses or has no nose (2) :> Midget smiley or shortie (5) :> Reading newspaper or book :> Hmm, let me think :> (:+) Has a big nose :>) User has a big nose (4) :C Astonished :C) :c Has a very large nose (2) :D Laughing, laughter (2) :I Hmmm.. (2) :I) Has a septum pierce :O Yelling (2) :O Shocked :Pd: French kiss :X Hear no evil :[ Real downer (5) :\' :\'( Crying (2) :\'-( Crying :\'-) Tear of happiness :] Gleep, a friendly midget who wants to befriend you (5) :^" Whistling :^( Offended :^) Smiley with pointy nose (righty) :^) 3d face :^) Teasing people about their noses :^) :-J Tongue-in-cheek :^) :v) Has a broken / pointy / cute nose (6) :^D :^d Great! I like it! (4) :^D Happy :^{ For those with mustaches :_) User's nose is sliding off of their face (4) :_) I used to be a boxer, but it really got my nose out of joint :`-( Tear :d Laughter (2) :d Smile, laughing, big grin :e Disappointed :i Hmmm, not funny! (2) :n) User with funny-looking right nose, a pug nose (4) :o Shocked :o Yelling (2) :o :o :o :o Barbershop quartet singing :o#) Man with a moustache :o( Sad, sorry :o) Happy smiling, another smile (2) :o9 Hungry :o@ Screaming :od Laughing :oi Hmmm :oó Spitting :p Disgusted, sticking out tongue (4) :poof:: Goodbye (leaving the room) :u) User with funny-looking left nose (4) :u) :n) Has a pug nose :v) Left-pointing nose smiley :v) User has a broken nose, but it's the other way (3) :x Kiss :x my lips are sealed :x( Habe a code in by dose :{ Having a hard time :{ Oh boy, the headmaster! :}8--- Smilie on steroids :~( :~(~~ Crying (2) :~-( :~(~~~ Crying, sheding tears (7) :~) User's face needs a nosejob, no explanation necessary (2) :~) Cold (flu) :~) Has a squiggly nose (2) :~) Yummee - lick lips :~-( :-C Is bawling (???) :~-) So happy that they're crying (2) :~/ Confused, mixed up (5) :~] Tony Blair :~i :Ui Is smoking and smiling (2) :~j :Uj Is smoking and smiling
^ TOP ^ ; ) ;) Wink (2) ; p Wink with a raspberry ;( Crying (2) ;( Frown with a wink ;) Midget wink ;) Smile with a wink ;-( Black eye (angry) ;-( User is crying or very sad (2) ;-) Sardonic Incredulity (3) ;-) It's better left unsaid but catch my drift ;-) So happy, I'm crying (2) ;-) Wink, winkey, winking or wink and a smile (15) ;-) Winking, just kidding (not sarcastic, playful) (2) ;-) Winking or flirting; sarcastic ;-) '-) Is winking (2) ;-)=) Is grinning a big toothy grin ;-)}<////> Corporate-type guy (see the necktie?) ;-> Devilish wink (3) ;-> Lewd ;-D Winking and laughing ;-\ Beat up, Popeye gets his lights punched out (5) ;-^) Wink and a dimple ;-c Sardonic incredulity ;-| Tearful ;-| Has been beaten up but is staying silent (2) ;; Sadness ;> Midget wink ;>) :-1 Smirking (2) ;? Bad guy ;^? Has been punched out (2) ;o( Down & sad ;o) Wink ;|8-) Hagar caught lying
^ TOP ^ <!> An important part of a message <&&> Message concerning rubber chickens <'}}}>< A big fish <(((>< A fish <------ Referring to yourself <-I <-| Is a dunce (2) <3 A heart <:-( Dunce <:-) Is asking dumb or silly question(s) (4) <:-)<<| Message from a space rocket... <:-) Hero <:-> Devilish <:-I <:-| User is a dunce (6) <:-o eeek! <:3 )~ Mouse <:>== A turkey emoticon <:I Dunce (3) <<<<(:-) Message from a hat sales-man... <=( Is an extremely left out person <>:{(} Lt. Worf (Star Trek) <>< A small fish <>{:}} Ice cream <?> Questionable item in a message <]:-) Member of the royal family <ahem> Clearing your throat just before saying something controversial <bg> big grin (2) <dg> devilish grin <eg> evil grin <g,d&r> grinning, ducking & running <g> grin, grinning (2) <gg> big grin (etc.) <i==i) A message on four wheels <ig> Impish grin <s> Smiling <sp?> Word/name/phrase probably contains a spelling error <ss> Big smile (etc.) <vbg> Very big grin <{:-)} Message in a bottle... <|-( User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes (3) <|-) <|-)= User is Chinese (6) <|:-) Witch <~~~ Another way of referring to yourself
^ TOP ^ = O Surprised = X My lips are sealed =(8-0) =:-o Having a hair-raising experience! =) Variation on a theme.. (3) =) User has two noses. =) 8-( Surprised! =):-)= Abraham Lincoln =-( Eyes scratched out (2) =.. ( Is weepy =:-#} Smiley punk with a mustache.... (2) =:-( Real punk rockers don't smile (2) =:-) Mohawk, has a Mohican, Punk (4) =:-) User is a hosehead (7) =:-) User is a punk-rocker (5) =:-o Having a hair-raising experience! =====:} Snake =^* Kisses =^D Big grin =|:-)= Abe Lincoln or Uncle Sam
^ TOP ^ > :-( >:-<< Mad >- Female (3) >-) Devil wink >-) Oriental smiling face >-) };-> Rude devil >-::-D Smitten by Cupid's arrow >-< Absolutely livid, furious (4) >-> User just made a really devilish remark. >-> Devil wink >8-0 Is in the throes of composition >:) A little devil (2) >:-( Angry, annoyed, mad (5) >:-( Not too keen on something >:-) }:-) Evil grin, bad, naughty, devil, devilish (7) >:-< Absolutely livid!! >:-< >>:-<< Mad, angry (7) >:-> Is leering (3) >:-> User just made a really devilish remark (6) >:-I Net.startrek (2) >:-{ Hurt and angry >:-| Spock (Star Trek) >:< Hopping mad >:o Angry >:w Is thumbing their nose >;) :-1 Is smirking >;-) Devilish wink >;-> Wicked grin >;-> Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made (6) >< >< Someone wearing argyle socks ><*.*>< Crab >=^ p Yuck >>:-<< Furious >^,,^< A cat (2)
^ TOP ^ @%&$%& You know what that means... @( *o* )@ Koala bear face @(-_-)@ Princess Leia (Star Wars) @-) Person submitting is Cyclops (2) @--->--->--- A rose @---}---}----- A rose @:-) User has wavy hair or is wearing a turban (6) @:-)## Guruka singh khalsa (note turban and beard!) @:-} Is just back from the hairdresser (2) @:I Wears a turban (5) @;-) A flirt @= User is pro-nuclear war, nuclear warning (5) @== Atom bomb @>--->--- Rose, long-stemmed @>--->---- A rose @@@@8 (|) Marge Simpson @@@@:-) Marge Simpson @@B-) Bouffant woman with catseye frame glasses @[_]~~ Mug of hot coffee or tea @}->-- Rose @}{{ Carnation flower
^ TOP ^ B-) Batman, message from Batman B-) User wears horn-rimmed glasses, smiling (8) B-D Serves you right, dummy!! (2) B-| User is wearing cheap sunglasses (3) B:-) Wearing sunglasses on head (6) C:-) Has a large cranial capacity (2) C=:-) User is a chef (2) C=}>;*{)) Drunk devilish chef & toupee in an updraft & mustache & a double chin (4) C|:-) Wearing bowler hat E-:-) User is a Ham radio operator (2) E-:-I Net.ham-radio (2) I-) |-) Is sniggering (3) I-I User is asleep or bored I:-O Is a flathead / flat-top (2) J:-) Has nice hair K:P User is a little kid with a propeller beenie (3) L-P Totally scrambled (that's why L-P mud exists) M:-) Is saluting (2) O :-) Angelic; being an angel (at heart, at least) (3) O |-) Net.religion (2) O+ Female O-) Megaton Man On Patrol! (or else, user is a scuba diver) (2) O-) Has just smoked a banana O-> male O8-) Angel with glasses O:-) Saint or angel (2) P* French kiss P-) User is getting fresh (3) P-) Wink, I know, understand R-) Broken glasses S:-) @:-) Has wavy hair / uses too much hairspray (2) X-# Dead X-( Net.suicide, user just died, dead (6) X-( 8-# Dead X-) %+( Unconscious XD Laughing hard
^ TOP ^ [:-) User is wearing/listening to Walkman radio (11) [:-] Square head [:-| Frankenstein [:-| Data (Star Trek) [:.) On headphones [:O Wide open mouth with a crewcut [:] [:]] User is a robot (10) [[ ]] {{ }} Hug - insert name in the brackets of the one who is being hugged [] () Hugs (6) [s] Smiling sarcastically (2) [tm] Trademark
^ TOP ^ \') \'-) Winky (2) \-o Bored (2) \_/ Glass (drink) \_/ Glass empty (2) \~/ Full glass, my glass is full (3)
^ TOP ^ ]) Lt. Laforge (Star Trek) ]:-) Devil - happy ]:-> Devil ][ Back to back
^ TOP ^ ^ Thumbs up (2) ^ ^ ^ Giggles ^5 High five (3) ^^ Happiness ^^; Embarrasment ^i^ An angel ^o Snoring (2) ^~~}}}}>: Scorpion `:-) User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning (4) `:-) Raised eyebrow c):-) Cowboy c:# Football player c=:-) Chef (4) c[[]] A pint of beer c[_] Coffee cup c[c] Cup of coffee c[t] Cup of tea c|:-= Charlie Chaplin d :-) Hats off to your great idea d :-o Hats off to you d :-o Is taking their hat off to a great idea d'cd Disconnected d/l Download (2) d8= Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat (4) d:-) Wearing a cap d:-) I'm a braves fan d:-) Message about baseball e-:-) User is a ham radio operator (3) g-) Smiley with ponce-nez glasses (4) m-) See no evil m-) :X :-m See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil o :-) User is an angel (at heart, at least) (2) o |-) Net.religion o-) User is a cyclops (2) o-) Aquanaut o-) Cyclops o-) Megaton man on patrol! (or else, user is a scuba diver) (2) o:) Angel o:-( +-( Has been shot between the eyes o:-) Angel, angelic, innocent (3) o:-) Is a pea-brain (2) o= A burning candle for flames p-) Pirate q:-) For those who wear their caps backwards q:-) Graduate x-( Net.suicide (2) x-( User just died (2)
^ TOP ^ { Alfred Hitchcock { } A hug {(:-) User is wearing toupee (4) {(:-) William Shatner, Kirk (Star Trek) {(:-) Wears a rug {0-) Cyclops {8<)# Balding with glasses, mustache, smiling & beard {:-) smiley with its hair parted in the middle (7) {:-) User wears a toupee (7) {:-) Nice haircut, old-fashioned hair (2) {:-) Kirk (Star Trek) {:-{ Definitely unhappy {:V {:v Duck, sounds like a duck (2) {{{{{ }}}}} Lots of hugs {} A hug
^ TOP ^ |-( Has lost their contact lenses |-( Late night messages |-( Nightmare |-( |( Sleepy, very tired (3) |-( 3-i Asleep and having nightmares |-) User is asleep, boredom (3) |-) Good dream, or looking into bright sunlight |-) Data (Star Trek) |-) Getting tired |-) Hee hee (7) |-) Lt. Laforge (Star Trek) |-/ Constipated |-0 |-O Is yawning |-<> Puckered up to kiss |-D Ho ho, laugh, big laugh (8) |-I |-| User is asleep (7) |-O Birth (2) |-O Yawn, yawning, snoring (7) |-[#] Is about to explode |-] Robocop |-o User is yawning/snoring or bored (4) |-p |-P Revolted, yuk, disgusted (6) |-{ Good Grief! (Charlie Brown) (4) |-| Asleep (2) |:-) Has bushy eyebrows (3) |:-Q Is smoking |:-| Excessively rigid (2) |:T Not amused |:] Robocop |I Asleep (4) |[*] Is exploding NOW !!!!! |^o 3-O Is snoring (4) |c| Can of Coke |p| Can of Pepsi ||*( Handshake offered (giving) ||*) Handshake accepted (taking) |~( Someone just busted my nose (4)
^ TOP ^ } (:-( William shatner in a high wind }(:-( User, wearing toupee in wind (4) }(:-( Wears a rug }-) Wry smile }8^( An angry dude }: [ Frustrated }:-( Is bull-headed (3) }:-) }:-( Toupee in an updraft (8) }:-} Has a big grin (2) }:> Devil }:^#}) Updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with a double-chin (3) }{ Face to face
^ TOP ^ ~ :-( Mad, very mad, steaming mad (3) ~(8^(0) Homer Simpson ~:-( Flame message ~:-) Has a Mohican or has been out in the rain (2) ~:-\ ~:\ Elvis (2) ~:o Baby ~== Flame (inflammatory message) ~^~^~^~8>~ Snake ~~:-( Net.flame, flame message (3) ~~:-) ~~:-[ Is on fire / has been flamed, net flame (5) ~~:I Is burning ~~\8-O Needs to fix a frayed cord on the computer ~~~~8} Snake (2) £;-( Bad hair day »:¢( Punk smiley (2)
^ TOP ^

Compiled, Edited & HTMLized By Jim Shook || 11/22/2001 || HOME