47 prominent, well-known bible translations, editions and revisions in English.
Includes a few older standbys. For the most part, they are available today.
Abbr TRANSLATION NAME Publishing Introductions Roots / Textual Basis
ASV American Standard Version 1901 English RV 1885
AMP Amplified Bible 1954-1965, 1987 ASV 1901
AHB Amplified Holy Bible 1987, 2015 AMP, ASV 1901
BBE Bible in Basic English (1000 word) 1941, 1949, 1965 Hebrew/Greek
CSB Christian Standard Bible 2017, 2020 HCSB, NA/BH
CEB Common English Bible 2010, 2011 NA/BH
CEV Contemporary English Version 1991, 1995 ABS, Original langs.
DRB Douay-Rheims Bible (aka DRV) 1582, 1609 Latin Vulgate
ESV English Standard Version 2001, 2007, 2011, 2016 Revised Std Ver 1971
GW God's Word (Translation) 1995 NA/BH
GNB Good News Bible (aka TEV) 1966-1976, 1979 ABS, NA27
GNT Good News Translation 1992 ABS, GNB/TEV
HCSB Holman Christian Standard Version 1999, 2004, 2009 NA/BH
ISV International Standard Version 2011 NA/BH/DS
JB Jerusalem Bible, The 1966, 1967, 1968 MT/ST/LV
JSB Jewish Study Bible 2ed, The 1917, 1985, 2004, 2014 JPS Tanakh, MT
KJV King James Version (aka AV) 1611, 1769 Bishop's Bible
KJVer King James Version (easy reader) 2001 KJV
LEB Lexham English Bible 2010, 2011 SB
TLB Living Bible, The 1971 KJV/ASV
MLB Modern Language Bible (Berkeley V.) 1945, 1959, 1969, 1984 Original languages
NAB New American Bible 1970, 1986, 1991, 2010 Confraternity Bible
NASB New American Standard Bible 1963, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 Amer Std Ver 1901
NCB New Catholic Bible 2019 Original languages
NCV New Century Version 1978, 1986, 1991 UB/BH/ST
NEB New English Bible 1961, 1970 ERV/BH
NET New English Translation (NET Bible) 1996, 2005, 2006, 2017 BH/ST/NA27
NIrV New International Reader's Version 1994, 1995, 1996 New Int'l Ver 1984
NIV New International Version 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 NA/BH/MT/DS
NJB New Jerusalem Bible 1966, 1985 Jers. Bible, NT25
NKJV New King James Version 1979, 1980, 1982 KJV, TR/MT
NLV New Life Version (850 word vocab.) 1969, 1986 Other translations
NLT New Living Translation 1996, 2004, 2007, 2015 TLB, UB/NA/BH/ST
NSRV New Revised Standard Version 1989 RSV, BH/DS/ST
NWT New World Translation 1950, 1961, 1984, 2013 Original languages
REB Revised English Bible 1989 New English Bible
RNJB Revised New Jerusalem Bible 1966, 1985, 2018, 2019 NJB/JB, BH/ST/NA27
RSV Revised Standard Version 1946, 1952, 1971 BH/ST/DS/NA
TNK Tanakh (Tora, Nevi'im, Ketuvim) 1985 JPS, MT/ST
JPS The Holy Scriptures 1917, 1945, 1955 JPS, MT/ST
MSG The Message (Bible) 1993, 2002, 2005, 2018 Original languages
PHI The Phillips Translation of the NT 1956 NA
TV The Voice 2008, 2011, 2012 Original languages
TEV Today's English Version (aka GNB) 1966-1976, 1979 ABS, NA27
TNIV Today's New International Version 2002, 2005 New Int'l Ver 1984
WEB World English Bible 2000 ASV, BM/BH/DS
YLT Young's Literal Translation 1862, 1898 TR/BM
Six newer bible translations may be possible additions to the list above:
LVS Literal Standard Version 2020
RNJB Revised New Jerusalem Bible, The 2019
THB Hebrew Bible, The (Alter) 2019
TPT Passion Translation, The 2017
MEV Modern English Version 2017
EXB Expanded Bible, The 2009, 2011
Recently released bibles have no established track record. We'll monitor their progress.
Below is a list of 13 complete English bible translations, each made by only 1 or 2
translaters that are not on the above list of 50. In chronological order.
Abbr TRANSLATION NAME Authors Release Dates Roots / Basis
DAR Holy Scriptures: A New Trans. from the Orig. Lang. J.N. Darby 1867, 1872, 1884, 1890 Original languages
EBR Emphasized Bible, The J.B. Rotherham 1872, 1878, 1897, 1902 WH/BH
MRB Modern Reader's Version, The R.G. Moulton 1895, 1917 ERV
FHB Holy Bible in Modern English, The F. Fenton 1903 Original languages
MNT Holy Bible, A New Translation, The J. Moffatt 1913, 1922, 1926, 1935 Original languages
G&S The Bible: An American Translation Goodspeed/Smith 1923, 1927, 1935, 1939 Original languages
PES Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts, The G.M. Lamsa 1933 Peshitta
KNX Holy Bible A Trans. fron the Latin Vulgate, The R. Knox 1945, 1949, 1955 Latin, Heb, Greek
HNB Holy Name Bible, The A.B. Traina 1950, 1963 Hebrew, Aram, Grk
AAT Holy Bible, An American Translation, The W.F. Beck 1962, 1976 Original languages
TLB Living Bible, The K.N. Taylor 1963, 1971 ASV, KJV, Greek
STB Bible in Living English, The S.T. Byington 1972 Original languages
CJB Complete Jewish Bible D.H. Stern 1998 Greek/MT
Original language source texts:
BH = Biblica Hebraica hebrew text SB = SBL Greek New Testament
BM = Byzantine Majority text ST = Septuagint OT greek text
DS = Dead Sea Scrolls TR = Textus Receptus greek text
MT = Masoretic OT hebrew text UB = United Bible Societies greek text
NA = Nestle Aland greek text LV = Latin Vulgate
The 66 different bibles (47+6+13) on the 3 lists above constitute the lion's share (80%+)
of bibles bought by and being read by people in the US. Wikipedia asserts that 450 million
copies the NIV have been sold worldwide.
See Reception: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_International_Version
Here is a list of 60 websites that have various types of information about the bible.
C - comparisons of bible translations & bible guides
D - downloadable bibles
H - bible history
I - bible information
L - lists of bible translations
S - searchable online bibles
W - links to other websites with bible information
By JCShook - Updated 1/31/2021